Syphoner comp tft
Syphoner comp tft

syphoner comp tft

Slayer champions gain more life the lower their health is, according to lead Set 4.5 designer Giovanni Scarpati, and deal more damage when their as their target’s health drops. Slayer Image via Riot GamesĬhampions within the Slayer trait “gain Lifesteal that increases at lower health, and deal bonus damage that increases based off their target’s missing health. Positioning and planning will play a major role in the success of the Dragonsoul trait, according to Principal TFT designer Stephen “ Mortdog” Mortimer. There are a total of six Dragonsoul TFT champions.

  • Nine Dragonsoul: Six Blessing of 150 percent Spell Power and Attack Speed.
  • Six Dragonsoul: Three Blessing of 75 percent Spell Power and Attack Speed.
  • Three Dragonsoul: One Blessing of 30 percent Spell Power and Attack Speed.
  • syphoner comp tft

    Upon death, the Dragon’s Blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally. This ability has the unit gain bonus stats, and every fifth attack fires a Dragonsoul blast that deals magic damage. The Dragonsoul trait, according to the Fates: Festival of Beasts PBE Rundown, provides the first Dragonsoul unit to take damage a Dragon’s Blessing. Related: Every new TFT Set 4.5 champions’ stats and abilities in Festival of Beasts Dragonsoul Image via Riot Games Two of the traits are unique (Daredevil and Blacksmith), applying towards only one champion. 21, Set 4.5 contains a total of seven new origins and traits: Dragonsoul, Slayer, Executioner, Syphoner, Fabled, Daredevil, and Blacksmith. Traits and origins form synergies within TFT, providing additional abilities and bonus stats. A total of seven Teamfight Tactics traits and origins are being added to Set 4.5 Fates: Festival of Beasts in place of the six being removed.

    Syphoner comp tft