Gender reveal
Gender reveal

  • Don’t schedule your party just a few days after your ultrasound.
  • Body size, the baby’s position, gestational age, and the amount of amniotic fluid all can impact our ability to determine gender.
  • Occasionally, we may not be able to determine gender at your ultrasound with 100-percent confidence.
  • If you are thinking about planning a gender-reveal party, here are a few things to consider: Many patients announce the big news on social media sites, too. Technology also has come into play in recent years, with some patients emailing or texting the ultrasound picture to their significant other when he can’t attend the appointment. Sometimes, especially when the father cannot be at the ultrasound appointment, the patient will ask us to put the results in an envelope so the couple can open it together at an intimate dinner.
  • Guests show up in pink or blue outfits to greet the expectant parents.
  • Showering the expectant parents or all party guests in pink or blue silly string.
  • I’ve heard many creative ideas from my patients including: They’re the ones requesting the result in a sealed envelope for the baker, family member, or friend who is making the arrangements. It’s easy to know who are planning parties. I perform many ultrasounds around 18 weeks of pregnancy, the time we can usually determine gender.

    gender reveal

    Some plan elaborate events to share the news. But others, especially those who already have children at home, want to know ahead of time. Nothing can top the surprise of that approach. A significant percentage of our patients expecting their first child wait until their baby is delivered to find out the gender. The popularity of parties to announce the gender of the baby, known as “gender-reveal” parties, has increased considerably in the past couple of years.

    gender reveal

    More and more people are finding out the gender of their baby by cutting into a cake – or coming up with other creative ideas – rather than getting the news in the ultrasound room.

    gender reveal

    Sometimes the baker knows more about the “bun in the oven” than the couple expecting the baby.

    Gender reveal